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Prague hits a milestone: One million nextbike rides!

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Nextbike in Prague have just crossed the magical milestone of one million rentals! That’s over 2,131,268 kilometers ridden, 127,159,584 calories burned, and 15,475,811 minutes spent on two wheels. For us, a million rides isn’t just a number. It’s proof that we’re on the right path and there are enough of us to make Prague better together.

Since we started nextbike in Prague in 2020, we’ve convinced 66,630 Prague residents that a bike is for everything. Whether it’s a quick run to the corner store, a ride along the Vltava, or a commute to work – everyone can make getting around the city easier. After 4 years, nextbike in Prague has surpassed 1,000,000 rentals, which is a tenth of the total number of rentals in all of the Czech Republic – yes, this year we will surpass 10,000,000 rentals nationwide!

Nextbike and public transport are the best partners for efficient city travel!

Our service is gaining more and more feet, hands, and hearts of Prague residents each year. The growth in the popularity of shared bikes is reflected not only in the number of new users but also in the increasing number of rides. For instance, according to the latest data from PID, nearly 20% more Prague residents used the option to rent a bike with Lítačka in winter compared to the previous year. At the turn of 2023 and 2024, the total number of rides was 90,000, compared to 76,000 in the same period the previous year.

The decision to integrate shared bikes into the journey planner in the Lítačka app was a great move to kickstart #cykloMHD. This smart integration in the Lítačka app significantly facilitates the combination of various types of transport, including shared bikes. When you link the Nextbike app with Lítačka, you can enjoy a bonus of 2x 15 minutes of free rides every day.

In Prague, you can ride with Lítačka for 2x 15 minutes daily for free.

In Prague, you can ride with Lítačka for 2x 15 minutes daily for free.

Thanks for every pedal push!

A million rides = a million reasons to say thank you! Together, we started a revolution in urban mobility 4 years ago, and it wouldn’t have been possible without you. How has our relationship matured? In Prague, you most often rent bikes for 5 minutes, and you ride the most on weekdays, in the morning between 6:00 and 7:00, and in the afternoon between 15:00 and 17:00.

Bikes that change the city

In recent years, it has become increasingly clear how much shared bikes relieve cities and improve the quality of urban space. Shared bikes reduce traffic congestion, clean the air, and return streets to the people. When more Prague residents choose shared bikes over cars, public space that would otherwise be used for parking can be transformed into greenery, public resting areas, or even new bike paths and sidewalks. “In Prague, as well as in the rest of the Czech Republic, we see enormous potential in bikesharing. Thousands of daily short-distance rides show how significant a role shared bikes can play in everyday life. When you give people the opportunity to ride a bike safely, you’ll find that they really do. They are looking for a healthier, more flexible, and cheaper option. And that’s exactly what shared bikes offer,” says Nextbike COO Tomáš Karpov.

Together, we’ll keep it rolling!

Smart cities around the world are investing significant amounts in bikesharing and the development of infrastructure for cyclists. They realize that investing in sustainable mobility is an investment in the quality of life for their residents and in the development of a 21st-century city. In Prague, we are adding new stations, expanding to peripheral areas (e.g., we are now in Prague 22), and we want to continue making travel around the city faster, more flexible, and more enjoyable for you. This is why Prague is on the right track to becoming an example of such a smart city, but there is still room for improvement. We therefore call on Prague and its districts to pick up the pace and help us transform city transport as quickly as possible. The plan is ambitious, but the vision is clear – to make Prague an even better place to live.

Thank you for incorporating nextbikes into your lives in Prague! We can’t wait to see what the next million brings!